Join the Unity in the Community Basketball Camp Empowering Through Sports

Building on the success of the 2022 Youth and Amateur Sports Grant, the Unity in the Community Basketball Camp is expanding to reach more communities and empower young athletes. Our program fosters growth, teamwork, and personal development through dynamic basketball sessions across diverse locations.

Summer Camp Details


Mercer Middle School


June 24th - June 28th

Additional sessions will be held at:

Join Us

Embark on a transformative journey with Unity in the Community Basketball  to shape your leadership skills, boost your confidence, and open doors to a world of opportunities. Together, we remove obstacles and empower girls to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Parent’s: Please read the statement below before signing. ln consideration for allowing the above camper (“MlNOR”) to participate in (G.R.O.W”) held at the (“Jefferson Community Center/’), l, as the parent andlor legal guardian of Minor, or myself, and on behalf of Minor and his/her parents, heirs, executors, administrators, next of kin, successors, and assigns, all of whom shall be legally bound by this release, hereby agrees as follows: Minors under 18 years of age and I am 18 years of age or older. I acknowledge that Minor is not required to participate in the EVENT. His/her participation is voluntary and solely for Minor/s benefit and entertainment. I understand that said Minor can withdraw from the Event at any time. We understand there are inherent risk associated with Minor’s participation and use of either Venue. We understand and acknowledge that events will have an action sport that may require him/her to engage in strenuous and/or potentially dangerous activities. Neither Minor nor I are aware of any reason, medical or otherwise, why Minor should not participate in the event, and we are prepared to, and do, hereby accept any and all risks, whether known or unknown to Minor and or/me, of having Minor participate in the Event. 1. Minor and I agree to indemnify, release, forever discharge and hold harmless, and I covenant not to sue, the hosts and their respective partners, owners, stockholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, and each and every person acting by, through, under, or in concert with them, or any of them (hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as the (“indemnified Parties”), of and from all manner of action or actions, cause or causes of action, at law or equity, suits, claims, demands, which Minor and/or I may have or hereafter have against the indemnified Parties’ negligence {whether active or passive), Minor’s participation in the Event, and/or any and all risks assumed by Minor and/or me hereunder. 2. I hereby authorize and grant the right to indemnified Parties and or anyone authorized by them or acting on their behalf to use, record, reproduce, publish or depict my voice, recording, photograph, and/or likeness, I any manner that they deem necessary or appropriate, in all media, perpetuity, in and in connection with production, distribution, marketing promotion, advertisement, packaging, sale, publication, exhibition, and/or exploitation of the Event, including, without limitation, in any and all print advertisements, broadcasts, telecasts, and/or retransmissions of or regarding the Event. This may be done without any further permission from me and without any fee or other compensation to me.

Upcoming Camps in 2025

Thomas Jefferson High School Basketball Camp

Community All-City Basketball Camp

Queens of the Hardwood showcase

Join waiting list for your 2024 Camps